2025 International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC2025) Fee Calculator

Advanced registration deadline is December 31 for authors.

Paper No.
(author only):

Extra Papers:
Total number of papers

Conference registration fees: (Please check all that apply)

In Person Before 12/31/2024 (authors) In Person After 12/31/2024 and
on-site registration
Virtual Before 12/31/2024 Virtual After 12/31/2024
IEEE Member $700 $830 $450 $600
Non-IEEE Member $790 $950 $550 $700
General Attendance or Co-Author (in person) $450 $540 $0 $0
Extra papers 1 x Paper fee Subtotal($)
Extra paper discount Number of extra papers x $-100 Subtotal($)
Extra pages2 Number of extra pages (up to 2 pages) x $150 Subtotal($)
Extra banquet tickets Number of ticket x $100 Subtotal($)
Extra copies of proceedings Number of copies x $150 Subtotal($)
Special Discount
If you received special discount from the committee, please check here and then put the discounted fee in "Total" ignoring "Subtotal"

1At least one author for each paper has to pay a full registration. A co-author who will attend in person has to register separately at the co-author (in person) rate.
2Regular, short, and workshop papers are allowed up to 2 extra pages with $100 per extra page. No extra page is allowed for posters, demo papers, or extended abstracts.
3The registration of workshops is the same as the main conference. The registration fee covers the main conference, all workshops and banquet.

Please verify the total amount and click "Go to Payment":

Email any question regarding registration to ICSC at icsc@uci.edu